Regarding the complaint made to the Alberta College of Paramedics by Douglas Odney concerning the prose, memes, and FOIP data published at At 07:51am we got our response from the College of Paramedics. An Investigation Officer has been assigned.
Douglas Odney paid $50 to register the complaint, and we’d like to help him get his money’s worth.
You can help.
Douglas stated in his complaint that AHS Legal reached out to Don Sharpe. As we publish this update, no contact—by phone, regular mail, or email—has been received by Don, either personally or via the WMA account.
Before Douglas made his discontent known, we were getting a steady increase in views of our stories, and fundraising was primarily through peer referrals Since we published the complaint, views have quadrupled, and our donor list now includes patient families and even an MSM journalist. Our email inbox is filled with story submissions and thank-you notes.
The Instagram account, which links to the blog, had around 37 followers. Since Douglas complained, we’re now over 200+ followers. Who would’ve thought Douglas coming out of retirement and back to AHS EMS would boost our social media presence so much? Remarkable, really! We’re starting to suspect Douglas is on our side, which would surprise everyone. We can always use more help.
Now, everyone, come closer… let’s talk.
If we’ve learned anything from Douglas’s complaint, it’s that he’s a sensitive guy. His feelings are hurt. Yep, they’re hurt, and it’s our fault. We’ve noticed a lot of pointed comments made about Douglas on social media, so let’s address them because we want to be transparent.
“Keep fighting the good fight! I hope Dementia Director Doug can see all the support you get and that the frontline absolutely HATES him. Send that man back into retirement so he can stop destroying EMS.”
Hey now, we can’t call him “Dementia Director Douglas.” He doesn’t have dementia; he just decided to hitch himself to AHS EMS. We’re pretty sure he’s of sound mind. We’re Ditch Doctors, not real doctors. Calling him “Dementia Director Douglas” is mean. If you just say “Triple D,” we’ll all know what you mean.
“The complaint reads like it was written by a 20-year-old.”
No, Douglas isn’t 20. Douglas is a very accomplished manager! He’s got at least two pensions (maybe three), and Douglas had a stellar education. According to his LinkedIn, Douglas was educated at none other than Royal Roads University. He even got a Master’s degree! Seems rude and mean to laugh at Douglas.
“That complaint has junior-high-level grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. What position is Douglas in right now? Why does he reference 'leaders'? Is ‘Leader’ in the title of the AHS employees he mentioned?”
Guys, come on now. “Leader” and “Douglas” have to be synonymous with each other—like that guy Phillips and his screwdriver. Just remember him when you think of Douglas. No more laughing or ridiculing. When Douglas speaks, we hear him say, “Hey, look at me—I am the screwdriver now.”
“I can’t handle how butt-hurt these idiots get when someone outs them for who they truly are. ‘Using FOIP out of context.’ Get bent. Hell hath no fury like a useless manager who gets called out.”
C’mon, man! We don’t call our leaders “idiots.” That’s just mean and disrespectful. Calling Douglas, a leader among screwdrivers, an idiot is not funny. Not even a little bit. So DEFINITELY DO NOT call Douglas an idiot.
“What a f%$#ing joke. Now they think they should be above criticism from someone who doesn’t even work there anymore. F%&@ off you 9#$$y.”
Yikes, guys! This is AHS leadership. They are basically gods, which is why we only see them occasionally when the heavens part. Douglas and his colleagues are definitely our betters! They have a plan. We're sure it involved 371 resignations too. Thats how in control Douglas is! They know what they’re doing. We can’t insinuate that Douglas and friends can’t handle criticism. Douglas et al. are a sensitive bunch, and we must be very nice. If we’re not, Douglas might not tell us what his plan is!
“If you don't want to be called a liar on the internet, have your incompetence exposed ‘out of context,’ and have someone call for you to be fired, stop lying to the public, stop gaslighting your staff, and DO YOUR F$%&ING JOB. He’s telling on himself in this hurt feelings report more than he’s telling on you. Upper management should be fired. All of them.”
Whoa, guys! Douglas didn’t fill out a mere hurt feelings report! Douglas slapped us with an official ACP complaint, outlining in great detail how offended and hurt he was by what we’re doing. How could we not respect Douglas and his authority? Douglas is an AHS EMS Director! He’s not just part of the team—he’s at the tip of the spear, leading from the front! Douglas sets the bar and the example. No one ever wonders what it is that Douglas actually does. It’s clear and obvious to all of us.
“Odney is a lying piece of 💩. When going through my stuff, he broke city rules and lied a few times. Good job, Don. Shows you’re getting to them! Keep it up.”
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I have to say this, but Douglas is an adult human male with one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. He is not fecal matter. Here at, we always Follow The Science!
Hey Douglas? Thanks Douglas!
Someone should tell Doug about the Streisand effect